Rawlings Can Still Be Prosecuted Even In His Grave-Boakye Djan

Rawlings Can Still Be Prosecuted Even In His Grave-Boakye Djan

A former friend of Jerry Rawlings, Major (Rtd) Boakye Gyan says the late former President can be tried posthumously for all the atrocities he committed.

Commemorating the June 4th uprising Boakye Gyan said that the fact that he built democracy doesnn’t mean he could bear responsibility for somebody destroying it.

“The fact that I built a democracy doesn’t mean that I could bear responsibility for somebody destroying it. Remember we handed power over to [Hilla] Limann… and I left to London to do my postgraduate course and on 31st December came, I was not here but on the same day I opposed it and put down my uniform to roll it back which in the end I succeeded in doing.

“Remember the rule of law we used to hold senior officers accountable to, was the same difficulty that the second takeover had put us in. That is why I use to call him a walking criminal. The fact that he is dead does not exonerate him. He can be tried posthumously if people have the nerve and sincerity that what happened was wrong and should not be encouraged,” he stated.
