‘It Just an Interview not a Death sentence, I will let you Know when I am ready” Delay fires back at Nana Aba Anamoah

‘It Just an Interview not a Death sentence, I will let you Know when I am ready” Delay fires back at Nana Aba Anamoah

Media Personality Deloris Frimpong Manso has reacted after Nana Aba called her for an Interview claiming she has been avoiding her since 2008.

This came after Delay asked her fans to choose who to interview her on her own Show and Most of her fans tagged Nana Aba claiming she is the Perfect candidate.

However Nana Aba revealed that Delay has been avoiding her since 2008 for reasons best known to her, Reacting to this, Delay claim this is just an Interview and not a death sentence therefore she will let Nana Aba know when she is ready.

She wrote: Aba, it’s an interview not a death sentence. I will let you know when I’m ready for you!

Deloris Frimpong ManghanaLatestNana Aba Anamoah