World Bank Approves $200m Ghana Covid-19 Emergency Preparedness And Response Project

World Bank Approves $200m Ghana Covid-19 Emergency Preparedness And Response Project

The World Bank supported Ghana with $200 million to finance Ghana Covid-19 Emergency Preparedness and Response Project.

Partnering with the Covid-19 Vaccine Acquisition of the COVAX Facility, the project will provide funding to assist to the government of Ghana in the procurement and delivery of Covid-19 vaccines to 13million people in Ghana.

The project will go a long way to strengthen the resilience of Ghana’s Health Systems and also prepare it for any future pandemic and ensure the continuation of basic health and nutritional services, including routine immunization for children.

“The World Bank is happy to support this second additional financing, given the importance of preventing deaths and reducing transmission of COVID-19 among the population by providing access to COVID-19 vaccines towards accelerating economic and social recovery in Ghana”, said Pierre Laporte, World Bank Country Director for Ghana.

“We are also aware of the continuing difficulties in having access to COVID-19 vaccines and logistics due to the global vaccine market challenges and will continue to work to address the inequity in vaccine supplies that is impacting Ghana and other developing countries”.

“The project will build on efforts of the existing Ghana COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness and Response Project by scaling up and strengthening surveillance of the pandemic; case management; increasing public acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine; and COVID-19 vaccine deployment. It will help to strengthen cold chain equipment, vaccine safety monitoring and medical waste management,” said Gaston Sorgho, Manager of Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice for West Africa Region”, he added.
