Good News!! Supreme Court Squashes High Court Injunction Placed On #FixTheCountry Demonstration

Good News!! Supreme Court Squashes High Court Injunction Placed On #FixTheCountry Demonstration

Latest report gathered by our outfit indicates that the Supreme Court in a new order has endorsed the Fix The Country solicitation to Protest in the country.

The Supreme Court has suppressed the High Court order Place on Fix The Country campaigners fight in the country.

You would recall that, the Ghana Police set an order on Ghanaian Youth to keep them from organising a protest in the motherland due to Coronavirus.

Be that as it may, the recent funeral coordinated by the public authority broke all the Coronavirus conventions and procedures which gingered the young to likewise hold a dissent.

In a tweet on their official Fix The Country page, it stated;

”High Court Injunction banning Protest quashed by the Supreme Court. Just in!”

Checkout the tweet below;
