C/R: Teachers Threaten Boycott After Residents Shit-bomb School

C/R: Teachers Threaten Boycott After Residents Shit-bomb School

Teachers of Agona Swedru Methodist B School at the Agona West Municipality in the Central Region have threatened boycott after some unknown people shit-bomb school.

According to the headmaster of the School, Mr. Akwesi Arhinsan Napoleon stated that the actions taken by some unknown residents is an unpleasant one.

He explained that upon getting to school on Monday June 1, they were greeted with feaces that had been splash everywhere in the school by unknown persons.

These unknown persons left some of the feaces in bowls of many of the teachers as well as painted the classrooms with it.

This has made it impossible for students and teachers to learn in classrooms hence resorting to sitting outside the school.
