Ever since Information about the alleged marriage of Zion Felix to his Italian based New Girl friend Erica came to light, some social media users have been shedding more light on the Issue.
According to a new report coming in, the Ghanaian Girlfriend of Zionfelix who also happens to be a celebrity make up artist Minalyn has allegedly been sacked from her Kingsby shop after she failed to pay her rent on time.
And also she has been sacked from her apartment in Kingsby because she equally failed to pay the rent. According to popular Instablog, Aba the great, Zionfelix is currently unconcerned about it because of his Italian based Girlfriend Erica whom he sees a future with.
Aba wrote: Matters rising in the ZionMina camp…..
? apparently, Zion kinda prefer Erica, the Italiano because she lives in Italy and will also have his baby there… which means, his child’s future is internationally secured… opportunist ankasa …. Flower boy reposted Erica’s instastory only to make her happy and to make unborn baby jump with joy in the Uterus. When mama is happy baby is happy, that baby is the only ticket to secure his future and the future of his family in Ghana, u get the vibe? ??? u now know why he didn’t repost Mina??He rather choose italiano to Ghanafonyo ????? forgive me oooo I’m releasing pressure and stress ? so meaning the only thing Mina had was a bluetick? or what. ?Flower boy is a bad boy ???